NWTR has developed a system to measure the pressure drop across the first membrane and the last membrane of RO systems online. This unique system enables users to detect biofouling or scaling at a very early stage.
Clogged membranes can be terribly inconvenient. Membranes can clog up due to biofouling or salt deposits, seeing as salt levels in the membranes constantly increase as the clean water passes through the membranes and the salt is left behind. To prevent salt deposits, antiscalants are added to the system.
Other plants measure the total pressure drop across a membrane system to detect clogging. Unfortunately, this approach only lets users detect clogging at a very late stage, as it involves measuring the total pressure drop across all membranes.
NWTR measures the pressure drop across the first and last RO membrane and can therefore immediately detect any biofouling (starts on the first membrane) or scaling (starts on the last membrane).
As a result, we do not just get a head start on combating any pollution, but can also minimise our antiscalant use.
The pressure sensors are mounted directly on the membrane casings.